Sunday, July 22, 2012

Cathy Lee's Summer Candy

Hi Friends! I am offering a Summer Candy draw beginning today through August 17.

There will be 2 winners drawn randomly from the entries. To make things really easy for me, I have gift certificates from Magnolia-licious and MarkerPop worth $25 each.

Here's all you have to do for a chance to win.

1. Become a follower if you are not already.
2. Enter your name in the inlinkz button below.
3. Post a photo of my Candy on your blog sidebar with a link back to this post.
4. No Candy only Blog submissions, please.

That's it...Hope you all join in for a chance to win.

Hugz from Colorful Colorado,


angelwhispers said...

Cathy what a fabulous candy thanks for the chance to win!! Love Chanelle xxx

Carla S. said...

Yummy candy, Cathy! Thanks so much for the chance to win it!

Unknown said...

Wonderful candy...thanks for the chance to win! Hugs! Leah Ann

Crejabeja said...

Nice candy!!!

Greet Crejabeja

Marjan said...

Wonderful candy !!
Thanks for the chance to win one.

Hugs, Marjan

rachel said...

Hi Cathy - thanks so much for the chance to win your fab candy! Big hugs Rachel xx

Pam said...

Awesome candy.......thanks for the chance to win.

Rene said...

Awesome candy! Thanks for the chance!
Rene :D

paperpapier said...

I have just received your previous Magnolia candy...thank you so much! In for another chance to win gift voucher...thanks Cathy!
Heaney xx

Kelly said...

Awesome Candy and thank you for offering it to us!

Jean said...

Thank you so much Cathy Lee for a chance to win the wonderful summer candy. Maybe this will cool all of us off!! Sure hope so! Have a great week.
Hgugs, Jean

Anja said...

Thanks for the chance to win your gorgeous summer candy.
Hugs, Anja

Patricia St Martin said...

Hey Cathy, Thanks so much for offering the candy and a chance to win. I need to check and see it I'm a follower, get your updates... So I will check???

LeslieT said...

Wow, thank you so much for a chance to win your awesome candy, Cathy Lee! I'm a follower and have put your candy and blog link on my left sidebar under my Candy Bar! :) Thanks again!

Unknown said...

Wow cathy thank you so much for the chance to win this Fabulous candy!!!!Your blog is amazing!!!!!!

Sharon said...

Thanks for the opportunity Cathy. This would make an awesome birthday gift for me (2 August). hugs Sharon x

Laura said...

Wow! Fabulous candy Cathy! I know lightening isn't supposed to strike twice, but I'm crossing my fingers and toes anyway! Lol!
Thank you for the opportunity!

♥ Laura C.

Anne said...

What a star you are Cathy!! Fabulous candy and am more than happy to display it for you on my blog ;o) xx

Tonya said...

Cathy, thank you so much for the chance at this yummy candy! It is so generous. I am already a follower and have put your candy on my blog. :o)

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